Paris of Louis XIV

I was in The House of Brittany on Friday evening it was about "Paris of Louis XIV". The men who talked at the evening lecture was very intresting. I thought that this kind of lecture will be in french but it wasnt. The most intresting thing was that Louis XIV hated "palais du Louvre" and even after his death some of the roofs of palais wasn't finised. But why he didn't want to live here, because he was remembering, when he was a child , The "La fronde" which had place in 1948 it was mouvment of the princes who wanted to rule France. He was living in front of "palais du Louvre" in the "palais-cardinal"  nowadays  "palais-royal"what was built by a cardinal Richelieu and after was inherited by Louis XIV.

Also in this century had place the first in the world a public transport which was invented by Balais Pascal "La carrosses a cinq sols", but it worked just 10 years because people there didn't need a public transport. They lived upstairs and they worked in this same place. The most intresting for me was a diffrent between "palais " and "chateau". Palais it's a building in the city which had not any fortifications it wasn't designed to defense, on the other hand "chateau" had defensive walls and was build in the countryside. 
